Choral Workshop Outline: “Choirs in the Lead Worshiper Role”
Workshop Goal
Equip choir members with foundational singing techniques and demonstrate how they enhance the effectiveness of a choir in leading worship.
I. Introduction (9:30AM)
- Welcome and Opening Prayer
- Acknowledge the privilege of leading worship. Colossians 3:16
Colossians 3:16 in the Christian Standard Bible (CSB) reads:
“Let the word of Christ dwell richly among you, in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another through psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.”
- Commit the session to God for His glory.
- The Role of the Choir in Worship
- Choirs as lead worshippers, not performers. “Lead Worshiper defined”
- The importance of preparation and unity in leading congregational worship.
II. The 7 Basics of Good Singing Techniques and Their Application (9:40 AM)
1. Breath Support
- Technique:
- Diaphragmatic breathing for sustained and controlled sound.
- Exercises: Slow, deep breaths; hissing exercises for controlled exhalation.
- Application:
- Unified breathing creates a seamless choral sound.
- Strengthened support for long phrases in worship songs.
2. Posture
- Technique:

- Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, and back straight.
- Exercises: Aligning the body for an open, unrestricted sound.
- Application:
- Proper posture enhances vocal resonance and confidence as worship leaders. (When you don't have breath, you can't worship.) Let everything that HAS BREATH praise the Lord! Psalm 150:6
- How can you sit and still have proper singing posture? (demonstation)
3. Tone Production
- Technique:
- Focus on open vowels and relaxed throat muscles.
- Exercises: Singing “ah” on scales to develop warm, blended tones.
- AH, EH, EE, O, UUU (A,E,I,O,U) As the vowels change, the mouth width can change. left to right it is widest to narrowest.
- Application:
- Blend and tonal unity reflect the harmony of the worshiping body of Christ.
4. Diction and Articulation
- Technique:
- Emphasize consonants and clarity of words.
- Exercises: Tongue twisters and exaggerated articulation drills. (Chitty Chitty Bang Bang?)
Oh, you, pretty Chitty Bang Bang,
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, we love you.
And, in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang,
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, what we'll do.
Near, far, in our motorcar,
Oh, what a happy time we'll spend.
Bang bang, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang,
Our fine four-fendered friend!
Bang bang, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang,
Our fine four-fendered friend!
- Application:
- Clear diction ensures the congregation can follow and engage in worship lyrics. (Thinking you're over the top means you're probably half-way there)
5. Dynamics and Expression
- Technique:
- Practice crescendos, decrescendos, and dynamic contrasts.
- Exercises: Singing phrases with varying dynamics. (Give yourself room to go somewhere)
- Application:
- Expression communicates the heart of worship and invites the congregation to participate emotionally. Working hard to pronounce things correctly and corporately is giving our best to the Master. Also, a pained expression is easy to see but often unpleasant. Have you seen a contrived face of pain on a singer? (NFL national anthem?) vs, Whitney Houston.
- Notify your face. Show the wonder, awe, and happiness of serving the Lord. “Sittin up here on a barbed wire fence” Can still be sung with a smile.
- “When I see you smile” Illustrated by a smile or a frown.
6. Listening and Blending
- Technique:
- Listen actively to other sections for balance and blend.
- Exercises: Sing in small groups, focusing on matching tone and pitch.
- Application:
- Unified sound models congregational unity in worship.
7. Pitch Accuracy
- Technique:
- Focus on ear training and interval exercises.
- Exercises: Sing scales and intervals with a piano or app.
- Application:
- Accurate pitch keeps everyone engaged and confident in their participation. Sometimes (oftentimes) pitch can be influence by vowels and blend. If you're all using the same vowel sound, it is much easier to blend. If someone stands out it may be that their vowels are more shrill, for example, or aggressive vibrato (too many bounces in the vibrato?) Sometimes it is best to try to hold a note without vibrato until full resolution of a musical phrase.
III. Choir as Worship Leaders (10:10 AM)
- Modeling Worship
- Leading by example through engaged, heartfelt singing.
- Body language and expressions that reflect worship.
- Connection with the Congregation
- Eye contact and engaging presence. (This is harder to do when focused on the music score.) This is why having a good idea of the song structure is important or even memorization is worthwhile.
- Balancing musical excellence with spiritual authenticity.
- Understanding the Service Flow
- How choir singing integrates with the larger worship experience.
- Working in harmony with instrumentalists, pastors, and congregation.
IV. Practical Application: Choir Rehearsal Techniques (10:30AM)
- Warm-Ups: Incorporating the 7 basics.
- Song Practice: Apply techniques to a song in your repertoire.
- Practice is personal
- Listen to provided listening links
- Multiple times is better than just once
- You can use these listening links as personal worship time
- Rehearsal is relational
- How to relate your personal practice with the rest of the worship team.
- How the flow of the service works with the songs that have been prepared
- How your singing part fits into the larger sound.
- Practice is personal
- Blending Exercise: Sectional rehearsals, then coming together .
V. Q&A and Discussion (10:45AM)
- Invite participants to ask questions about singing techniques and worship leadership.
- Share insights and practical tips from experienced choir members.
VI. Closing (10:55AM)
- Encouragement and Prayer
- Reaffirm the choir’s role as worship leaders.
- Pray for a spirit of unity and excellence in worship.
- Next Steps
- Share resources for further development (e.g., practice exercises, devotionals for worshippers).
- Encourage continued application of these basics in rehearsals and worship services.
VII. Northside run-through (11:00 AM)
- choral selection of the 19th.